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Soutien du chagrin
Thomas Karsell
Né àNew York
36 years
L'arbre Généalogique
Les Mémoires
Tom's Sister Jeanne Elizabeth
Tom had strong ideas about fairness, and the way things should be. When Tom and I were very little, we shared a room. When the time came that we needed our own rooms, he was offered the larger room because he was older. He insisted the he should have the smaller room, because he thought he played outside more. We stayed in that house until middle school, and he was perfectly happy for me to have the big room. Sweet brother.
A Tom Story: I remember well skiing with you all as a family one day at Keystone. Troy was trying his hand at Snowboarding and I remember how patient Tom was in explaining the finer points of the sport to Troy. Troy may not remember that day at all since he took a pretty good konk on the head :0) My thought was that Tom was being a really good brother-in-law.
Les Mémoires Totales: 2
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